

01:01 Sep 28 2012 Dong Thap province, Vietnam

Joint advocacy events on the National and International Disaster Days under ISDR global campaign, to be conducted by Save the Children, within the The Joint Advocacy Network Initiative Four (JANI 4) led by CARE International and participated by 18 organizations in Vietnam working together to support the Vietnam Government and people to increase resilience and reduce vulnerability in local communities and institutions through promoting the National CBDRM program as a sustainable mechanism for community based disaster risk reduction models
The objective of the events is to raise awareness of disaster risk reduction among all population in Vietnam including the threat of climate change effects, and advocate for disaster preparedness through media campaigns. This activity highlights the role and importance of women and girls in community and support the implementation of the National Strategy on Disaster Prevention, Response and Mitigation to 2020.
To make the theme more relevance to Vietnbam situation the four slogans have been agreed among Government, NGOs and UN
 1. Recognise the strength of women and girls in reducing disaster risks!
 2. Women and girls make a safe community
 3. Women and men: hand in hand building safer communities
 4. Women and girls: voices to be heard in risk reduction

To prepare for this event, SC has discussed with the Women’s Union in Dong Thap province, who has undergone a serious flood disaster in Mekong region. Dong Thap WU has agreed to cooperate with Save the Children to organize this event. With support from the local government, the departments of Health, the committee for flood and storm control and the media, this will be a big event for stronger advocacy about the role of women, girls in disaster risk reduction.
During this DRR day, the organizer will works with the Women’s Union to carry out the project activities, they are including speeches, , press conferences, songs, film show, join messages from the field, Rally in the streets and role play, storytelling, etc to raise awareness of the disaster risk reduction, emphasizing the role of Women and Girls in disaster reduction.
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Nguyen Van Gia (Oct 4 2012)
This important event is under The Joint Advocacy Network Initiative Four (JANI 4) in Vietnam, funded by DIPECHO
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